Well…it’s a little after 5 am and I’ve been up since 4:31 and there is no chance of getting back to sleep so here I am…it’s shaping up to be another busy day today and I need to get started but it’s only 45 degrees out there and the heat is running and it’s June tomorrow…there is something wrong with that…need to get on the indoor bike by 6 or so…okay, not really…it’s just that I’m already bored and need to do something…the schedule looks like this: an indoor ride, then the errand to Meijers to pick up the stuff I forgot Wed, and stopping at the zone to order the brakes…then mowing the lawn, then out on the bike for two rides and figuring out when to cook the chicken masala…I wonder if there is going to be a nap in there at some point? I did start the coffee maker and it is starting to smell good in here…I am sore from the work yesterday and I’m going to be even more sore after today…and tomorrow is going to be more work at my brother’s house that needs to be done…I won’t say not much to do today since I’ll be busy all day…should get going…more later…