Ran out of energy…

Well…damn, felt really lousy when I got up this morning so I skipped the indoor ride to let the coffee work a bit…but when I got out for the first ride, I knew there was something wrong other than having a couple of cocktails last night since I felt really shaky on the bike and barely had enough energy to climb the last hill coming back here…so, I had an idea what it was and made a couple of slices of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and that almost immediately made me feel better…I sat here for a half hour so I could watch the MotoGP sprint race and by that time, I was almost back to normal and the second ride was much better…but I stayed with only two rides today to let my body get better…and I’m sure that’s the result of being under 1K calories for a few days but I did it again today with just a bowl of soup and some chicken masala with rice but I’m used to that so changing it will be a little tougher than I expected…I think that will change tomorrow when I grill some chicken thighs with small yellow potatoes and asparagus….and the damn cottonwood tress have started to shed and it looked like riding in a snowstorm…coughing and sneezing on both rides…that might have something to do with how I felt…at least it rained out here and that may wash some of the pollen out…

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