Well…finally, we got some rain overnight and it’s still raining right now…and there is more coming in that will hit later so I think my lawn will survive…didn’t sleep at all last night and was up around 5:30am today…heading over to my brother’s house this morning to go through his tools and garage stuff so my SIL can sell it…but first I’m getting on the indoor bike by 6:30 to get at least 8 miles in today but it will probably be 16 miles with doing another indoor ride when I get back here…and that will put me at 4K miles tomorrow and that is so early for that mileage I’ll probably never do that again…still pretty sore from all of the miles and yard work so I think I’ll take an ibuprofen before we head out…this constant pain is wearing me out but I know it’s going to continue as long as I’m doing 38 miles a day on the bike…have to push the grocery run back til tomorrow but I really don’t need anything so that’s okay…I am contemplating stopping at DD to get some ghost pepper chicken fries for 5 bucks for 5 pounds but I’m not sure if I can tolerate the heat and I don’t think I have room in the freezer….so maybe not…not much to do today…just the run into GR and then back here probably around noon or so….then we’ll see about the rest of the day…….more later…