Well…with the religious zealots in the repub party getting what they wanted with the overturning of Roe, their next step in getting total control of women’s bodies is to enact laws that would ban contraceptives of any sort…yeah, you read that right…the repubs want to make sure that women can’t protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies using the lies that birth control is an “abortifactant” that kills millions of unborn babies…and they are also lying about their goal, saying that they don’t support a national contraception ban…so Chuck Schumer got them on record yesterday by putting protection of contraception access to a vote in the senate…and as he knew, every damn repub voted against it since even the “moderate” repub senators are still maga assholes that go out of their way to hurt women…so now we will see hundreds of ads telling the truth about these troglodytes and their hatred of women…and it’s about time…geez…