June 6th

Well…damn, I’m worn out from the busy day yesterday and it’s almost going to be that busy today…need to get on the indoor bike here in 30 minutes but I just poured the first cup of coffee and it’s not working yet…need to do the grocery run today but I really haven’t planned any meals and probably should…thinking about grilling burgers and using my lettuce from the garden for that and for a salad…I am going to get to 4,000 miles for the year today and I wonder if I should take a couple of days to heal my body? Not off, since I have the goal of riding every day this year, but maybe a little easier…say only 20 miles? Hoping to get back to the normal routine today so I can go on autopilot for a bit…allergies are nuts and I need to remember to treat them before I get on the indoor bike in a few minutes…it rained again last night and I sure hope that keeps my lawn alive for a while…it was looking pretty brown and I hope the food I put on helps…not much to do today…just grinding through my day gig as Donald puts it….more later…

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