Well…I’m really starting to hate the media and it’s blatant trying to tear down Jo Biden and push for the asshole trump…and the latest incident was the Time magazine interviews of both men this past week and it was revealed that Joe took the hard questions and breezed through it cogently with no gaffes that the rest of the media was hoping to have happen…but the big reveal was that when they interviewed idiot boy, they dumbed the questions down and selectively edited his answers to make them try to make sense…now they have been doing the crap for years at his fascist rallies…when you see a transcript of any of them, he sounds dumber than a box of rocks and bare makes sense…and he glitches all the time where he just stands there for a minute staring blankly at the crowd…and they think Joe is too old? And now the publishers at both the Washington Post and the NYT are straight from right wing propaganda outlets and they are transforming those two papers into fox news in print…and I can’t stand it…geez…