Well…darn, have had another busy one today and I’m just now done and it’s pushing two pm…started out the day with being ready to get on the bike by 7:15 but when I got out there the rear tire was flat so I must have pinched it with the tire tools when I changed the tire yesterday…so I did my best imitation of a nascar pit crew and put a new tube in it…only took about 5 minutes and then I got out and did three rides for another 38 miles…when I got back here I got cleaned up and put the chicken on the grill and, while that was cooking, I took care of the garden, cut some lettuce for the burger I had for lunch and for the chicken sandwich I’m planning on for later, and trimmed the small shrub that is next to the back door…shrank it back to how it started in the spring and have to keep at it so it doesn’t get too unruly…and now I’m finally done for the day other than the weight work and I am going to watch the F1 race in the rain in Canada and then the indycar and nascar race later…I need some time off but I may start on the bathroom in between…and I need to start on the windows…just have too much to do…I will have beans at about the end of next week and can’t wait…will have meals of just beans…I hope…