Well…not sure if you saw the photos of the idiot trump visiting a black church to try make the case for black people to vote for him…yeah, only thing wrong with that…not a damn person in the photo was black and all he did was attack the black community for “soaring” crime rates and said that no goes to the grocery store anymore since they can be shot for “getting a loaf of bread”…look, I just hate this asshole and the damage he’s done to this country and I am tired of writing about him but someone has to do it…we have to have our voices and use them to highlight the total absurdity of anything he does or says…especially since the lie of “soaring” crime rates is always trotted out by this asshole when the official FBI stats show that every category of crime has dropped up to 30% over the past few years…but will that ever get reported? Nope, since the media needs the clicks that a “horse race” gives them and they sure don’t want to help Biden by telling the truth…I am so damn tired…geez…