Well…damn, I’m sore today and I wonder if it’s from the 75 miles yesterday? But that would break the two day rule as it would if I hurt from cutting trees…cripes, I wonder if I hurt myself so bad it invalidated the two day rule? Whatever it is, I hurt like crazy and can barely move and that is not going to be a good thing for tomorrow…or tonight for that matter…have been up since 3am and I’m now starting to feel it so it may be an early night tonight…but I don’t want it to be…I missed having tv last night and being able to relax…I did get three rides in today to get to more than 4,600 miles but that means I only have two weeks to get 400 more in to hit the interim goal of 5,000 before my birthday…so that means at least 38 a day for the next two weeks but I am wearing out…I did make a pizza on the grill again this afternoon to use the ingredients before they spoiled but the mushrooms already did so none on this one…and it was okay…I need to use up the leftovers before I make anything else…have potato salad I made a couple of days ago that needs to be used…I was really surprised that the food in the freezer was still frozen hard after a day with no power…but there’s lots of stuff in there so lots of frozen mass…okay, I’m done for the day…want to read for a bit….