Well…the power grab from the SC continued today with granting the idiot trump immunity from his crimes…yep, you heard that right, the 6 fascists on the court basically said that trump can order subordinates to kill someone and there is nothing anyone can do about it…they have made trump a king…he can order someone to steal an election and there is nothing anyone can do about it…now, are you going to sit out this election or are you going to vote and do something about it? And we need all three branches of government so we can get rid of this SC since they are just making shit up to get the political ends they want…and I am so pissed off…every damn one of the 6 right wing judges need to be impeached for lying to get on the court and then appoint real judges that will follow the law…not make new law as they go…vote…it’s the only way to save this country…geez