July 2nd

Well…I am so tired of being sore…woke up this morning and every damn part of my body hurts…and I’m having such a hard time getting moving that it’s almost too much effort…rain is coming in but I am going to put my rain gear on and ride outdoors since the radar never matches reality out here…need to be on the bike by 7:30 and that gives me 25 minutes to pour coffee down me and become human…the weird thing is that I think I slept okay but it’s not having any effect…feel pretty lousy with coughing and my head is plugged up…just the damn allergies that nothing works on…oh, well…got a lot done yesterday but I can’t do two days of that in a row…but I do have trimming and painting to do today but can’t imagine doing that right now…I did make some peanut butter toast a few minutes ago since I didn’t eat enough yesterday and need more calories to support what I do every day…think I’m going to need an ibuprofen this morning…just a pool of pain and my right elbow hurts just picking up the coffee cup…darn…more later…

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