Walking on water…

Well…int he current media environment, if Joe Biden learned how to walk on water, the pundits would say “why did you use so much water?” And that’s exactly what happened after Joe did the ABC interview Friday and then did a rally with Wisconsin democrats where he did a barn burner of a speech calling out the idiot trump and his lies, criminality, and fraud…but the only reaction to that was “nope, he didn’t do enough” so, again…stumbling in one debate is fatal for Joe but 34 felonies, rape, and treason is just hunky dory for idiot boy…and some of the criticism is coming from the left and the only thing I’ll say to that is shut the hell up…attention seeking from these smug asses will cost us the election…and you wait, you’ll find the dems that are calling for Joe to drop out are on the take from the repubs…as I said the other day, the whole push to get Joe to drop out is an operation run by China and Russia…just like the 2016 election theft was…so dems get your heads out of your asses and get behind a decent competent president…I know I’m for Joe until the end…geez…

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