Damn, that was early…

Well… you know, getting on the bike before 6:30 is way too damn early…but it got me done with the rides before 10 so I could see F1 qualifying…the straight into mowing the lawn and now it’s the England match and then over the the Harley dealer to see if they have any vintage cars and bikes like advertised on the radio a couple of days back…after killing the weeds, the lawn has started to fill back in and it would look okay if it would rain every few days…I am going to do some filling and seeding tomorrow since I have two bags of topsoil to use and lots of bluegrass seed…only have 14 miles to ride to get to 5K for the year so that will happen tomorrow and I may just do two rides to give myself a little break and let my body heal up some…pretty sure I can ride 2,100 more miles by the end of the year but should I make a stretch goal of riding another 5,000? Nope, that will take away the last goal that I’m still going to try to hit before I turn 75…I guess we’ll see…time for weight work…

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