Well…it’s been a day and I have been running since 7am…got the first two rides in before I headed out to pick up the 3,500 dollar antibiotic prescription that really only cost me 28 bucks so that was cool…but having take it for 90 days is going to be a pain…especially since it makes you extremely sensitive to the sun and has a warning to avoid direct sunlight or it will damage your skin…but, you know I can’t do that so I’m going to take it after I get everything done for the day…and go out and try to get some 100 spf sunscreen to see if that helps…so it looks like my beach days are over for the year and that sucks…and I’ll have to get out on the bike and be done by 10am every day…I did get some more little red allergy tablets today, too, and now I have 96 of them and that will get me to about the time I run out of the antibiotic…I did find the earplugs I wanted on amazon…oh, I already talked about that…only 40 cents a pair and that’s pretty good…I really do want to have cocktails tonight but I need to get the swelling down in my foot and that won’t happen if I’m drinking…tonight will be 4 days in a row being good and the progress on my foot is not as fast as I would like…darn…have everything done but my teeth and making ice so I think I’ll read a bit before I do that…