Well…a semi-interesting day yesterday with the new season of “Burn Notice” starting and that helped to relieve the boredom somewhat but not as much as I need. I guess I’ll have to find more things to do that don’t cost anything…don’t know if I can ride the bike more…oh, I did have a weird dream this morning that had the bike in it….I had it parked on a hillside next to a road and an old woman in her Mercedes decided she wanted to park on the lawn and ran it over….don’t know what that has to do with anything but it was entertaining…especially when her husband said that it was my fault for even being on the earth when I’m not rich enough to afford to not ride a bike….yep, that one was a little convoluted but you get the idea. Not much to do today…I do have a little cash so I’m going to go for groceries so I can at least eat….and now with potatoes being the worst food for people wanting to lose weight, I have to figure out what else to eat with my meals….I will have some more comments today since things are heating up in politics and the weirdness level in increasing….getting right into my sweet spot….