A criminal conspiracy?

Well…as we saw in real time, there was a conspiracy against Joe Biden by all of the major news media in this country that got him to drop out of the race…and now a few of the dems in the House are talking about holding hearings if they take back the house this fall to see if it was a criminal conspiracy where the billionaire owners of the media actually colluded to lie about Joe…now that would be a good use of hearings in the house…but it needs to go farther than that…the house needs to look at the consolidation in the news industry where the murdochs own way too many newspapers and tv so they can actually make what is news and not just report it…and goes for sinclair, too…and we need to go back to the days when you could get fined for lying on tv or any other media…and don’t give me the bullshit that lying is protected by the first amendment…there can be limits to what the first amendment protects such as hate speech…geez…

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