So now Gorsuch is threatening the country?

Well…I suppose this is the next step for the liars on the SC…just the other day justice Gorsuch went on fox news and talking about the reform proposals that Joe Biden has put forward, he gave the cryptic comment of “be careful”…who to, I don’t know but it sure can’t be the repubs since they are lapping up the lawlessness of the court that just made the idiot trump a king with their immunity ruling…what I think gorsuch is doing is threatening the dems who are really serious about court reform with some kind of retribution or revenge if they actually do reform the court…and this comment is just another in a laundry list of reasons that the court needs to be reformed…just the act of going on the repub propaganda channel, fox news, renders it a political move and that runs afoul of the lax ethics rules that the court is under…never in my life have I ever heard of a SC justice threaten anyone…but with this corrupt court, they never seem to find the bottom…geez…

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