August 5th

Well…damn, it is never going to rain out her ever again…it was supposed to rain overnight…80% chance but nothing at all and now they have removed it from the forecast for another week…so that will be 6 weeks without rain out here…pushing up towards the 56 days of drought we had out here last year that killed my lawn…and that sucks…I am so worn out this morning and need to get on the bike here in 20 minutes or so…still trying to choke the first cup of coffee down and it is going to be a struggle to get moving today…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get anything done but I do need to cook today…going to grill some pork chops with broccoli today and I need to figure out what potatoes go with it…maybe mashed? Still damn humid out here and I am sweating already just sitting here so this is going to be another hot day and I am tired of being sticky….not much to do today….can I just live without having to accomplish anything? That should be my everyday thing at my age and yet I keep dragging myself out to put more miles on…why? Who knows? More later…

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