A lazy day…

Well…I’m taking a lazy day today with only doing the rides in the morning and then just watching Olympics and reading some news…I did get to 6,010 miles today with doing three rides and that leaves only a hundred to ride to break my record for total miles in a year… and that sets me up for the final thousand to get to the big goal of 7,100 miles…when I started this journey, I really didn’t know how it was going to go being 71 years old…but I have been pleasantly surprised at how well my body has held up to the abuse I’ve heaped on it every day…really didn’t have much pain today except in my neck that has been hurting for a couple of months and I think needs rest to heal…but that is not going to happen until January 1st of next year since the last goal is to ride every day this year…and the bike has been holding up, too, and has worked great sine I manually reset the rear shifter a couple of thousand miles ago and it looks like I can use the broken shifter for the rest of the year…I hope…I do have a new one downstairs that only takes a couple of hours to install and adjust just in case…so back to the Olympics…

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