Well…After doing the three rides this morning, I made it to a new record in miles by a little over 2 miles…the old record was 6.109 miles and I’ve now done 6,111…and there are still almost 5 more riding months to go this year…I thought about setting a new goal of 10,000 miles but I think I’ll just let it flow and see where I get when I get there…thinking it will be about 8,500 miles since once it starts to snow in November, the mileage per day will drop to 16 a day…so, I gave myself an afternoon off but did make the ingredients for potato salad but the potatoes fell apart so I turned them into mashed and will have to make more for potato salad…so I just searched for it and they wont fall apart if you steam them and my daughter just happened to bring me one that will fit the 6 potatoes I need so I’m going to try that out..okay, need to get the weight work done right now…oh, one last thing…I just realized that the newest car I’ve ever owned is my 1994 Miata…no conspicuous consumption from this boy…