August 10th

Well…damn, it’s almost 7 and I just poured the first cup of coffee and I need to get that one and one more down before I get on the bike…it got down into the 50′s last night and the wind is blowing so the rides are going to be a chore today…pretty worn out again today…just like every day and that will continue until I can take a rest day at the end of the year…that seems like a long time from now and it is…got some work done yesterday but I’m not sure what I’ll do today…I do need to work on the back door frame on the house and I may start scraping the paint off today so I can get a coat of paint on it soon….I did wash the walk in door on the garage yesterday and need to figure out if I want to paint it or not…some color would be cool and I’m thinking about some dark blue for it…just damn tired of white everywhere…but I’m not going to buy a gallon of paint to do one door…might make some potato soup today to use up some of the potatoes I got for a buck and then I won’t have to cook at all this weekend…need to figure out some new food to eat since I’m pretty damn tired of what I’ve been eating lately…not much to do today…just need to get my ass moving and get on the bike…more later…

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