August 11th

Well…damn, it’s only 56 out here right now and I was freezing overnight….had to put the wool blanket on the bed to sleep last night and that is strange for August in Michigan…I really thought the heat was going to come on…it never got warm enough out here to open the house up yesterday and it may be the same today…I think I hit a solid wall and I really don’t want to get on the bike today…it’s already 7:15 and I should be out there…maybe I’ll feel different after the coffee starts to work….didn’t get anything done yesterday and I really don’t feel like I’ll get anything done today, either, it’s hard work just to sit here so the prospect of working on anything is not attractive….they have started to fly the vintage planes in for the event at the airport out here and it is pretty cool to hear the radial engines when they fly over…saw a c-47 coming in and I hope they will do some flyovers so I can see more of them…I guess I could go to the airport and see them but I don’t feel like doing any events anymore…not much to do today…I do need to make potato soup but that just seems like too much effort right now…more later…

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