Well…I tried to take it a little easier today since i knew I needed to get the lawn mowed and the rest of the garden taken out so I only did 25 miles on the bike before I got started on the yard work…and I had to make time to see the postponed race in between before I went out and did the weed walk to finish up the day…had to take all of the food and equipment off the shelf on my prep table since it had sagged on one side and I had to raise it and clean it before I could put everything back…it really did need cleaning so that was cool…I did get some small carrots out of the garden and they taste good so I’ll have them for a snack with some ranch later…still need to eat more with only having two chicken legs and pasta salad for lunch and a ham sandwich that I’m going to have for dinner…with only doing 25 miles, it’s probably a good thing I’ve eaten light today…I do need to pay my property taxes later in the week and pick up more books to read and I think that will be Thurs…they are not due til September but I might just as well get them paid…okay, need to watch some soccer and read a bit….