Well…the other day as I was riding off the boardwalk and onto the trail that runs right along Lake Michigan, the temp dropped by 15-20 degrees with the wind blowing in off the lake…and after learning that the lake temp had dropped 30 degrees into the 40′s, I finally put that together on the bike this morning…and the air is still really cold in that stretch of the trail today…so it looks like my swimming could be over for the year…oh, well…it’s almost 2 pm and I am done for the day other than my weight work that I’m going to start here in a minute…got the new batch of pasta salad made and in the fridge and I made another huge batch since I liked the last one so much…it’s just easier to have a ready made side when I don’t want to cook…had a squeak in the swing arm on the bike that I couldn’t get rid of and then I remembered what I did on my first mountain bike that had the same problem with that bushing…just a little dish soap and water…and I already had some made up in the cabinet downstairs and I soaked everything and it went right away…I even squirted the idlers on the shifter and it helped there, too…and I have enough room in the bike bag to carry it with me so that’s cool…okay, time to get to work…