Almost there…

Well…after doing three rides today, I only have a little under 8 miles to ride to get to the goal of 7,100 miles…and I still have almost 4 months to continue to add miles so it’s easy to say that this will be the record year that I will never attain again…it has been a heck of a lot of work to get to this point and I am so darn sore today since I only came back here to refill the water bottle and then right back on the bike…and I went pretty hard the whole way…I do need a light day with how badly I hurt everywhere so I’m thinking I may just do one ride tomorrow since I have a lot of things I need to get done…have to hit the library, pay the water bill and taxes at city hall, and I want to go out to Kohls to look for end of summer clearance sales since I do need some new shirts and maybe a pair of shorts that actually fit me…and the solesĀ  my riding shoes are worn down to flat so they won’t grip the pedals anymore so I’ll take a look and see if I can find a new pair of those, too…

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