Well…that sucked…didn’t sleep well at all last night and was up and down with finally giving up at 5:30 and getting up…but, I knew that was going to happen with being good last night…I realized that it was 51 years since I started my only good job at Steelcase…1973…yow that was a long time ago…it’s too cold to get a ride in outdoors before the grocery run so I’ll be downstairs in an hour or so and then do two rides outdoors when I get back here…I do need to hit DD this morning to pick up some boneless/skinless chicken breasts to use in some chicken masala this weekend for 2 bucks a pound…but you have to buy 4 pounds so that is enough for two batches…still have leftovers for today and tomorrow so I may have to make the masala Friday….and I do have the ingredients for salads so that will stretch into the weekend…still no rain here for weeks now and none in the forecast until the 21st and that is a low probability…oh, well…not much to do today…just the grocery run and vaccinations and I hope it warms up enough to put the top down on the car…more later…