Finally feeling better…

Well…finally, I’m feeling better after the reaction to the flu shot from Wed…no more pain in my hips or knees and part of that could be I only did two rides today and I think it’s the first time I’ve done that little on the bike in quite a while…I did get out to the beach for the second day in a row today and the water was even nicer than yesterday so I was in swimming for over a half hour…it’s still 88 degrees here at 6 pm but it’s comfortable in here with the fan on it’s lowest speed…I skipped lunch today with needing to cut 600 calories out of my diet and then made chicken masala for an early dinner…that came out yummy and there is enough for the next four days so I just need to figure out a second meal and that will probably be sandwiches or pasta since I have a new open jar of pasta sauce… and I can use a little variety and I have salads to make, too…and that may be the second meal for tomorrow…not sure how much longer my beach chair is going to last but I’m having a heck of a time trying to find webbing to replace the plastic jelly ribs that is on it…okay, need to read a bit…crap…forgot the weight work again…need to get on that….

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