I don’t get it…

Well…I just don’t frickin get it…I’ve been good with no cocktails for three days and yet today I feel so darn worn out and exhausted…probably from not eating enough again but yesterday I had 2 chicken legs and some pasta salad for lunch and a bowl of rice and chicken masala… and that’s over a thousand calories for the day and I only did 25 miles…I did do 33 miles today and did the grocery run with the same lunch but some spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner with about the same calorie count so I just can’t figure it out…I haven’t slept well the past two nights so that may have something to do with it…only about 5 hours a night but I’m used to that…oh, well…maybe the pasta will help…I did get the dining room table cleaned today so I’ll have room to put the food when I tear the fridge apart to clean it tomorrow…going to do the freezer, too, and dig through old stuff in there and dump it…should be able to get to that early since I really don’t have anything else to do other than do two rides on the bike and I should have that done by 10…no bargains for protein this week but I have lots of ham in the fridge along with some random chicken in there…and I do have the ingredients to make some bean burritos which would be good and some salads…so plenty to eat even without protein…okay, need to read some…

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