September 23rd

Well…damn, I’m worn out this morning and I broke a pair of glasses overnight so I need to go out this morning and buy another pair so I can read…it’s such a pain to have to wear glasses to see anything…I’m pretty tired of life right now…it’s cold out there so I’ll need to wait to ride today unless I go downstairs and I sure don’t want to do that right now….so, I’ll have coffee and sit here for a bit and hope my body revives…one of these days I’m going to take a day off and feel guilty for the rest of my life…it’s only 52 out there right now and it’s not going to warm up much before the afternoon…cripes, I still feel cold from riding in the rain yesterday but I liked it…something new to experience and with how little rain we’ve had, i enjoyed how it felt…didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than laundry and it will probably be the same today although I should clean the living room and figure out meals for the rest of the week…Meijers has bacon wrapped pork loin fillets on sale for a buck each so I may get a few of those but I’m not sure what I’ll have with them…have a few potatoes left but the prices of them are too high at a buck a pound….not much to do today…it’s 7am and I’m not moving much but need to….damn, I’m tired…more later…

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