Well…with the furor created by the lies that the idiots trump and vance spewed about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio…of course the news media did fluff pieces on whether it was real or not…so they go to Springfield and interview some “real” people to see what they think…and one woman was asked whether she thinks the Haitians were eating cats, dogs, and wildlife…and she says they could be and she justified that belief by saying “earlier in the summer there were ducks and geese all over the lakes but look at it now, they are all gone”…obviously this women wasn’t paying attention in science class in grade school…I learned in 3rd grade about migratory birds and have even observed ducks and geese migrating in the very well know “v” formations they use to save energy..okay, that isĀ a little bit of snark but I could have said “I wonder if there are immigrants here since the geese, ducks, and swans are all gone from Muskegon lake”…you see how ridiculous that sounds? Ignorance turned into hatred for no other reason than she saw it on the news…geez..American appear to be getting dumber…fast…