October 2nd

Well…man, this getting up around 5:30 every morning is getting pretty old and I’m worn out again today…and I wonder why the hell I’m being good if I’m going to feel like I did yesterday…had no energy at all and didn’t get anything done but the bike rides and I only did two of them the wind was blowing so hard…hurt my neck again so I’ll have to hit that with biofreeze before I get on the indoor bike for the first ride…have the grocery run to do today and I’m going to hit DD for some mushroom burger patties for 2 bucks a pound and then look around there for other bargains…no one has protein on sale this week so I’ll have to make due with the burger and then make some burritos…it’s only 45 degrees here and it’s not going to warm up til about 10 so I can have coffee after I get back here…have to hit menards this morning to get some fencing ties to fix the fence and get a new 5 gallon bucket since my old one started to leak and I need a bucket to mop the floors…and I need to do that today since I tracked dirt in on my riding shoes and it bugs the hell out of me to walk barefoot on it…so, I need to get going here by 6:30 so I can get out the door by 8…the grind to get to 10,000 starts today and I’ll hit 8,000 today…more later….

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