October 4th

Well…up at 5;30 this morning and that is a lot better than 4:04 so I’ll take it…slept okay and only got up a couple of times but I’m sore everywhere for some reason…didn’t do much yesterday other than the rides but I need to do better today…and I’m going to start it off with a ride before 8 and then I need to go to aldis to get the carrots and celery that I need for a chicken dish I want to make this afternoon…and I remembered that I have lentils and chickpeas that I think I’ll put in it, too, to make the sauce a little more hearty…might have to see if they have potatoes on sale since mine are a little old and wrinkled…and after aldis I need to go to the library since I finished the three books I have checked out…it’s only 52 out there right now so I may do an indoor ride to start the day…I’ll have to make that decision here in about an hour but that gives me time to enjoy my coffee…but that might end soon with wholesale coffee prices up 80% over the past couple of months…I did buy a big can before the increases kick in and I think I’ll buy another one next week if I can find some on sale…oh, well…it looks like it’s going to rain a bit this morning so I guess I’ll be on the indoor bike for the first one…not much to do today…just cooking and cleaning since I’m too damn sore to work outdoors..why the heck my knees are hurting is confusingĀ  me…I wonder if it’s the weather change that is coming or maybe I slept with them contorted? Who knows? More later…

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