Making our country look like the gutter..

Well…god, I can’t wait for the orange idiot to be gone so we can stop feeling like we’re living in a gutter every time he speaks…just yesterday at one of his fascist rallies, idiot boy went on and on about Arnold Palmer’s penis and seeing him in the shower…and this from a presidential candidate? This ass and his cult followers have made this country the laughing stock of the world and made the gutter their happy place that they just love to wallow in and they keep egging him on to go lower since they are just like him…and they seem to think that kind of crap is giving them power but all it does is make them look small…that there is no objective morality to them anymore…it’s just what the idiot says…and I can’t figure out why anyone looks up to the idiot…I mean lying, cheating, stealing, and committing crimes is the person his followers like? They must all be like him…no other explanation for it…and I wonder how they live with themselves? Geez…

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