Gas prices and inflation?

Well…the coffee has started to work so I’m going to try to continue the trend of doing a political one before I go down to ride the bike…in surveys when stupid people are asked why they are going to vote for the idiot trump, two of the things they cite are gas prices and inflation and I marvel at the shallowness of their thinking as they go on that gas prices lower during the idiot’s term…yeah, they would be after he crashed the economy and mismanaged the pandemic that led to over 10% unemployment so of course demand and prices went down…don’t any of these low intelligence voters understand economics at all? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here right now so what is their bitch? Look, yeah we know that inflation has been too high but we also know that almost half of that was just greed of corporations taking advantage of inflation to raise prices and profits…the largest grocery chains profits soared to their highest point ever during the recovery and that is a result of consolidation in the markets that led them to have pricing power to raise prices any amount they wanted…if you don’t understand that, go read a book on economics…I learned that in Econ 101 in college…and current inflation is down under 2% as the fed manages a “soft landing” and avoids a recession that all of the right wing economists have been bleating that was going to happen during Biden’s term…never did…so the delusion that things were better under the idiot trump is just that, a delusion driven by the addiction to fox news that trump supporters have…by all measurements, the US economy is the envy of the world and that is not by accident…it is by a reality based approach that uses economic knowledge to make decisions..not the bloated blathering of an idiot who has no clue what the word economy even means…vote for facts, not for fascists…geez…

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