Well…getting ready to head out for the periodontist appointment and I’m pretty concerned that the 90 days of antibiotics I just finished aren’t going to be enough and they are going to want to pull more teeth to get at the infection…but this is where I draw the line…I can barely chew with the teeth I have left so I’ll just let it get worse until they have to pull them all I guess and then I won’t eat anymore…this has been such a pain…almost 4 grand and the infection is still there and today is going to cost me 150 bucks for this cleaning since it will be the 4th cleaning this year and insurance only covers two…and I’m going to hit Meijers for some cocktail materials since I think I’m going to want it later today…but then no more until the 19th after my checkup…I am so tired of having to take care of myself and deny any fun to be able to get through my checkup without my doctor trying to throw medications at me for high blood pressure and cholesterol…I mean what the hell do you have to do to keep that down…isn’t losing 35 pounds and riding 30+ miles a day enough? Haven’t even had any meat except chicken for over a month now…I guess my cholesterol could be like my last brother’s at over 400 without medication so I think I’m doing okay at 140…oh, well…just want this day to be over…maybe more later…