December 2nd

Well…man, I feel like crap this morning and it’s going to be a struggle to get started as I pour the coffee down for a jump start…one of these days I’m going to just not do anything but not today…need to get on the bike by 7:30 and I may run out for groceries so I can make soup in the next couple of days…really don’t want to drive the car in the snow but I don’t think that is avoidable…didn’t get much done yesterday other than laundry but with that done, I don’t have much to do today but I feel like I should do something but don’t know what that would be yet…I really do wish that I could do what other people do and just take it easy and do nothing…maybe watch old movies and drink coffee but I’m just not wired that way and that sucks…oh, well…I do want to get the bird feeder up on the window in the next few days to give them something to eat with the snow covering everything…maybe that would be a project if it gets above freezing so the suction cups will attach…not much to do today…have 15 minutes before I need to get on the bike for 24 more miles today and that is really getting wearing…man, I’m feeling old today…more later…

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