December 26th

Well…this used to be my favorite day of the year after all of the christmas duties were over and I could finally relax…with not celebrating anymore it’s not the same but the normal stuff starts up again and I am looking forward to soccer and football today…Man U plays at 12:30 but they have been so terrible that I wonder why I even watch anymore…I did take my BP when I got up this morning and it was 120/71 and I don’t know how I feel about that when I took it late in the day yesterday and it was 155/78…I thought the medicine was really working but I guess not…oh, well…didn’t get much done but the rides and cooking yesterday but I am going to try to get an outdoor ride in today after the Man U match with it getting up to 44 this aft…it will give me the chance to try out the new gloves but I am ready to be disappointed as I have been with every pair I’ve bought the past couple of years…I’ll have to drag the air compressor out to air up the tires on the outdoor bike since I haven’t done that in more than a month and that means they will be down to 30 psi or so and they need to be 60…don’t have to cook today with leftover burgers and ham in the fridge and that will last me for a week or so…then I start my healthy eating again with nothing but chicken and pasta…need to get moving by 7 to get two rides in before lunch and then break down boxes to get this place organized and cleaned up….more later…

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