Well…I think the BP meds have stopped working with the reading 137/76 this morning and that is really depressing…oh, well…I’m not sure what the heck it is about 3:53 but I’ve woken up at that time for 4 days in a row now I really thought I wasn’t going to get back to sleep…but I kept at it and didn’t get out of bed until around 6…only had birds on the feeder once yesterday and no squirrels in the yard either with the hawk hanging around and I wonder if it will be the same today….didn’t get anything done but laundry yesterday and I think I’ll clean the couch and rotate the cushions today…the living room can use a dusting and vacuuming but I still need to get three rides in and I’m going to try to get an outdoor ride in before the rain comes in…we’re supposed to get up to half an inch when it starts and it’s supposed to continue all day and tonight…it looks like I’ll have two more days to ride outdoors before the temp crashes into the 20′s for a few weeks and I don’t want to be that cold anymore…not much to do today…need to do the grocery list since I’m doing the run tomorrow and need to do some meal planning before that…I’m thinking pizza and maybe another batch of potato soup…and maybe some pasta…or ham soup to use one or two of the bones I have in the freezer…more later…