Well…I’ve decided to give myself an easy day on the bike today so I’ll leave it at the 16 miles I’ve done indoors already…no outdoor rides today since it is cold and raining off and on out here…and I’ve already cleaned up the outdoor bike sine it will be in storage for a couple of months…so now the numbers…total for the year 10,448 miles…3,758 indoors and 6,690 miles outdoors…and that is 4,339 miles more than I’ve ever ridden in a year and three times more than I’ve ridden indoors in a year….and all of that riding burned 417,909 calories, keeping 139 pounds off…and I made the goal of riding every day for the calendar year but I actually hit that on October 19th…so what the heck are the goals for next year? Not sure yet…haven’t really thought about it but I’m sure this year will be the last really huge year…I am old after all and can’t keep this up forever…not bad for an old guy…