Still can’t remember what day of the week it is…

Well…I think I have “retiree’s disease” since I have a real problem with knowing what day of the week it is…I know I don’t have to know since I don’t have anywhere to be but still…I’ve lived my life with the weekly passage of time being important but I guess I’ll have to get used to it…it’s a little after 2pm and I finally have everything done that I three rides in and then built a homemade pizza and put that on the grill…then shoveled the snow while it was baking, cleaned everything up, oh, and ate two pieces of pizza so it will be another one meal day today… and put a load of laundry in…the Robert Ludlum book I’m reading is pretty good so I’ll need to go to the library and get more of after I get through the used ones I bought…just had some sparrows find the feeder for the first time this year but the pig doves just pushed them off…oh, well…okay, time to read a bit…

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