No more common good…

Well…now that the lower class morons voted for project 2025 in the election, one of the things that is going to smack them in the face is the goal of getting rid of the “common good” that government is supposed to protect…it you’ve ever needed food stamps…gone…if you’ve ever needed unemployment insurance…gone…roads, schools, libraries…all gone…how would you like to have every road be a toll road? That’s the plan…and every part of the social safety net is on the chopping block…Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security have been targeted since their inception and again, these morons who depend on those programs just voted to have them destroyed…along with any regulation of business…you like clean air and water? The plan is to have business self regulate and eliminate the EPA…like food that doesn’t kill you? No more with the FDA on the chopping block, too…I know I’ve been harping on this for quite a while and showing my disdain for the people who inflicted this nightmare on this country…and they deserve it…some who voted for these assholes are going to die from that vote…and I have no sympathy for them at all…let them eat their hate…geez…

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