Over 100 miles in 5 days…

Well…it might not seem like a lot but I went over 100 miles today in the first 5 days of the year…and I’ve extended my riding every day record, too…but other than the rides, I didn’t do anything else but read and listen to football…didn’t even have to cook with still having leftover pizza and Masala and won’t have to cook until Tuesday but I have to figure what that will be…probably some potato soup and maybe another batch of Masala since I need to make some room in the freezer…then I’ll probably make ham soup later in the week to start getting the ham bones out of the freezer…and that will make I room to freeze the ham soup…I may do the grocery run tomorrow just to get it out of the way and get the spices I need for the next batch of Masala…and I need carrots and celery for the soups…I did finish up the Robert Ludlum book today and it was pretty good…I’ll have to look through the books I bought to see if I have any more of his stuff…but, right now I’m going to read a bit for another hour…

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