
Well…with the new repub controlled congress starting today, the slow motion doomsday for this country has started and you are not going to believe the damage that these assholes are going to do…starting with the pardoning of all of the January 6th felons…you know the ones..they attacked this country but the repubs are just fine with that…the law only applies to our side and the maga assholes can do whatever they want and the idiot trump will bail them out…this is one of the reasons I’m so pissed that the morons in this country voted these corrupt asses into office…what does the country stand for if the rule of law is gone? They are already working on more tax cuts for the rich and guess who is going to pay for it? You like any government services? Don’t get too used to them because they will be gone along with Medicare and SS…and I know you think I’m being an alarmist but I am going to reserve my right to say “I told you so” when almost every senior in this country loses their houses and starve to death as the rich buy themselves their 5th house…that is the country these asses voted for…geez…

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