Well…damn, I wish there was a jump starter for my body…woke up a little after 6 but it is 7 now and I’m barely functioning….I know normal people would go back to bed or lie down on the couch feeling like this but I’ll get on the bike in a few minutes and start torturing myself…I do need to cook today and I’ll be making potato soup later but I would really like to not cook for a change…or have someone else cook…but that’s just whining so I need to suck it up and get more coffee…I can shift into low and slow mode as I’ve done lots of times and try to enjoy just being alive and I think I will…that helps to get going just a bit…more coffee…I’m pretty darn tired of the cold weather out here with it not getting out of the 20′s for over two weeks but that’s pretty normal for January in Michigan and I’m just happy that the lake effect snow hasn’t set up and dumped feet of snow like it can…I was able to get out for the grocery run yesterday and that was not easy with the fact that they haven’t plowed the streets up here this year….I wonder where the heck my tax dollars go? Not much to do today…going to be grinding out the day starting here in 5 minutes or so and I can’t wait til 1pm or so when I’ll be done…but that’s 5 1/2 hours from now and I so damn tired of going all the time…more later…