January 8th

Well…I am so tired of being exhausted all the time…ha, yeah, that made me laugh too…I did sleep okay last night and even went to bed early and not out of bed til a little after 6 today and I only have 29 minutes before I need to get on the bike to get three rides in before 10am or so…going to make another pizza today for lunch and with the potato soup I made yesterday, I won’t have to cook again until next week…and that will probably be another batch of Masala…didn’t get anything done yesterday but the errands and rides but today should be a little easier and should be done before 3pm…I would love to have a little time to just sit and read this afternoon but I can’t carve out enough time if I do the cleaning I need to and get three rides in…oh, well…still damn cold out here and it looks like it will stay that way until the 16th when it finally gets above freezing…but we are edging through the winter and for the next 10 days at least, there are no big snow storms coming…and I’ll take that…not much to do today…just need to get on the bike in 10 minutes and get the days started…more coffee first…more later…

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