January 9th

Well…damn, I feel so worn out today…like I do every day and I know part of it is only having a bowl of soup and one piece of pizza yesterday…one good thing is I don’t have to cook for the next few days…but I will have to plan meals soon and I need to do more than the 4 meals that I seem to have fallen into…I did remove a skin tag from my left nostril last night and the damn thing bled for 3 hours like it always does…and I have to remove it once a year…damn, it’s only 13 degrees out there right now and it has been cold as heck out here for weeks now…it’s still hunker down time with the cold and the snow we’ve been getting…January in Michigan can test you if you’re not used to it…but after 71 years, I’m used to it…just not in Muskegon…darn, I need to get on the bike here in 26 minutes and I sure don’t want to…I keep whining about taking a day off but I know that won’t happen and I’m not sure why…it would be luxurious to just keep pouring the coffee down and watch old movies all day…not much to do today…I do have to clean the bathroom at some point but need to torture myself on the bike first….more later….

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