Well…just took a look at the bread dough in the silicone bowl in the fridge and I can’t believe how much it’s risen overnight…this is by far the best loaf I’ve made and I wonder if it was from the newly fed starter I used? I’ll bet it’s going to rise even more and push the top off the casserole dish I use to bake it in…I don’t know if I’m going to buy bread anymore or just bake a loaf a week…but bread flour is about 5 bucks for a 5 lb bag so it’s not cheaper than buying whole wheat at aldis…and each loaf takes 350 grams…okay, so that makes it about a buck per loaf so I guess it is cheaper…if you didn’t know, a pound is 454 grams so that gives you 6 loaves out of a 5 pound bag so that is 83 cents a loaf…I wonder if I should factor in the time it takes to make a loaf…no, I was just sitting here reading and the total time of mixing it up and doing the folding and stretching is about 10 minutes over the afternoon so it only appears it’s a lot of work…okay, need to get on the bike right now…more later…