Well…I hope you’ve heard of this last outrage from Karl Rove…he has a company that is going to funnel corporate money into repub campaigns with the express purpose of making sure that the companies have a hand in writing any new regulations that they will be subject to. Doesn’t anyone remember what happened the last time that Rove was involved in anything? And does no one remember what happened when Cheney wrote our energy policy behind closed doors with the only input being from those that were being regulated? Can you say Gulf oil spill and the meltdown of the financial markets due to deregulation? Well…these guys are promising more of the same; more running of the economy into the ground to benefit only the rich and the sad thing is that their voters, who were hurt the most by these shenanigans, are going to fall in line and buy into the propaganda that will be used to sell it as good for them and the economy….geez…