Well…I may have been a little harsh in my assessment that the Post wanted stories that were more desperate than mine….but, my story is not the typical one of unemployment that most people face. So, that’s the last time I’ll talk about that. I did want to say “I told you so” with the steadily worsening economy and the Dow down almost 300 points today…something I predicted in the last week or so. Not something I wanted to see since I am losing money like crazy and I don’t have a lot left but maybe it’s something that needs to happen to get rid of the repubs and their nonsense on the economy….the strange thing is, the repubs are always going back into history to justify their positions and then they ignore it when it doesn’t fit…oh, it’s not a strange thing, they cherry pick everything and lie about everything else….man, I am losing my edge…but, back to the historical significance of where we are….it’s just like 1937 when Roosevelt bowed to repub pressure and made drastic cuts to spending while the economy was idling; sending it back into a recession that was only broken by WW II. I will predict that is what is going to happen in the next few months….geez….