Well….I just can’t believe the hypocrites in the repub party and the latest talking point that was released yesterday that is taking Obama to task for taking a vacation while the economy is in danger of a double dip recession. Man, these guys have the best selective memory I have ever seen….I just want to remind you here that their darling pres, ole GW, took more vacations than any president in history and Obama is nowhere close to the time off that GW had at this time in his presidency…so repubs, get over it and get your own house in order. I do have one other question….when did Grover Norquist become the constitution? All of the repubs that have been appointed to the “super congress” that is supposed to find solutions to our economic problems have signed the no new taxes pledge that ole Norquist has forced upon them….does their oath of office include to preserve and protect Grover Norquist?
Okay that depressing post from yesterday….it’s hard at times to keep your sanity when the world appears as if it is imploding in front of your eyes but as the Who said….”we get hungover but we always survive it”….and that is what is going to happen here….we’ll all survive it…I hope….